Hello you, if you reading this, I guess you are curious where it all started,
Well... First of all, this store will give you for sure what you need, and if you cannot find it just give a shout at spn@saintly.com and we will definitely help you.
My name is Constantin Luca, and I come from Italy, and this store was created for the memory of my beloving tv show Supernatural,
I started to watch the TV show when I was 15, and as we all know in Nov. 2020 unfortunately, we had the last episode of SPN, but as I was so addicted to it, I was never able to let go of it, so every time I finish the TV show, I just start it all over again,
I personally been to many SPN conventions and all the SPN crew are really great,
Now that is it been so long after ending the TV show I finally managed to open this little store that I always dreamt about,
You should not be worry about the quality of our items, because we never disappoint our customers, me and my team will do everything we can to make sure you are satisfied about our products,
Also just before opening the store we had the power to get free WORLDWIDE delivery, so anyone from any country will be able to enjoy every piece of our store.
Now... Less words and more action.
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